


114 منذ أشهر

Hi Everyone, Alice here!

It is surprising to not be worried these days, I am always stressed because of exams and course work. However, many people have a way with calming their worries. This is what I do:

* Write on my blogs - on and off of Stardoll.
* Listen to relaxing music!
* Draw or just being creative helps me!

Everyone has different ways of relieving stress; in some cases you may do your course work and have a weight lifted off you. I even seem to get stressed when no-one buys from my bazaar. Tips are a good way of learning something new, here are my top 5 for relieving stress:

1. Do something you love!
For me that would be acting, blogging and Stardolling (not a word aha). You can do whatever pleases you. For instance, if you haven't been on Stardoll in a while; claim them moments back, by going on it more often.

2. Meet up with Friends!
I have a lovely group of friends who will always be there when I need them. If you friends are like mine, meet up and go shopping or whatever you find fun doing with your friends. Try to put off the subject that is stressing you out...

3. Do whatever the task is!
If you have exam preparation to do, then perhaps do it. It can lift a heavy-weight off your shoulder. Honestly, I would do this because I get REALLY STRESSED about school.

4. Buy in the Starplaza!
If you have some spare stardollars or starcoins, spend them! I love spending on Stardoll, but am pretty bad at saving...


- Alice

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