شباط 2016
- balleta08
Here's to Stardoll friends!
- balleta08
- VampireLady33
Here are some things you might expect if you get accepted as a Starblogger.
- VampireLady33
- Moosycakes
We are Stardoll!
- Moosycakes
- Isobel.Stardoll
- انتقلي بين الأعلى و الأسفل و انقلي الأغراض في جميع الأرجاء
- Isobel.Stardoll
- vampirefreak121
It's about putting your mind to it...
- vampirefreak121
- Callie.Stardoll
أليس هذا مذهلاً حقاً ؟
- Callie.Stardoll