تشرين الثاني 2012
- Amber_Doll
If you’re living in the USA then you’re probably celebrating Thanksgiving today! In celebration of the holiday let’s look at it's history and traditions.
- Amber_Doll
- miss-nansy
مسابقة تاريخ مصر
يلي هيجاوب صح لية جائزة كبري مني
اتمنى لجميع الصبايا التوفيق و هيا إلى المسابقة
- miss-nansy
- ithar2010
- السلام عليكن
بناءا على طلب احدي صديقاتي قررت انزل لكم شرح لميك اب العيون البسيط اللي شفتوه بموضوع اللون الابيض
لا اطول عليكم الصور تشرح لك
- ithar2010
- Daniella
- Hey dollies! First of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of posts. I've been really busy, and I have been blanking out on ideas for blog posts! So, today I decided that it's been too long since I've posted, and I put together a makeup tutorial. This look is a bit dramatic, but it's perfect for the holidays, and even Thanksgiving! Here's the tutorial:
- Daniella
- KimmyyRoxx
- Just a quick note; You won't be expecting many Starblog posts from me these past few weeks. I will be pretty busy, since I've got a lot of ballet concert rehearsals and other after-school or weekend activities.
- KimmyyRoxx
- jklmbo_
- Hey Dollies! I had multiple requests asking to make a frost/snow inspired makeup tutorial, So here it is![:
- jklmbo_
- smasmShy
مرحبا كيف حالكن
أنا أحب الماكياج كثيراً و خصوصاً ماكياج العينين
و اليوم لدي مجموعة ميك اب متنوعة و جميلة جداً
اتمنى أن تنال اعجابك
- smasmShy
- cooleypooley
Are you struggling to organize a party and have absolutely no experience in planning one?
Well, theres no need to worry, because I have provided my top ten party planning tips to help you have the best party of the year!
- cooleypooley
- hannahsweet10
Hello everyone! Today I will be showing you some of my outfits that I bought from DKNY in the Starbazaar. DKNY stands for Donna Karan New York. She is a real designer with a fashion line out, which is called DKNY. Here are some of my dresses I bought from the Starbazaar:
- hannahsweet10
- Arificent
مرحبـاً صديقاتي ....
لقد احترت كثيراً لـأني أضع قطع الهُـوت بـايز في غُـرفة خـاصة ولكن لا أستعمل اي قطعة منه
فـأردت أن ألبس طقمـاً ولكن قُـلت دعُـوني أرى صديقاتي فلهُـم ذوقٌ رائع
هذا هُـو طقمي فمـا رأيكم به ؟
- Arificent