كانون الثاني 2012
Stardoll Admin
- Our amazing Kate Moss is turning 38 today, can you believe it? To celebrate her on her special day, we've picked out her top 10 most stylish outfits. We love Kate's style! She often opts for black, sleek garments and she really captures the essence of a trendy rock chick. Click on the pictures to see Kate's hottest outfits!
اهلا بكم ياأصدقائي قمت بمقابله خفيفه مع مبدعتنا المتالقه sfoo
فلقد اعجبني كثيرا دقه اختيارها لالوان غرفها وابداعها المتميز واختيارها لارضيه الغرف وابراز جمالها فهي تحب اللون الابيض وتستخدمه بكثره في اغلب غرفها يعطي اتساع لمساحه الارضيه هاهي جميلتنا
- After the horrendous break up between Katy Perry and Russell Brand, both parties have retreated. We've spotted them a few times, and they always look so sad and lonely. But that conception is wrong, at least for Russell! Yesterday when he was speaking to TV writers in Pasadena, California and was asked how he was coping he answered, "Quite well, thank you. Are you asking because of recent events? You are making the mistake of seeing time as linear," he said and continued, "The brilliant American author Kurt Vonnegut, he'll tell you that if you imagine reality as experienced simultaneously, events become redundant." Errh... okay? When they discussed Russell's up coming project 'Strangely Uplifting', he said that the goal was to make people happy. Well, is he happy? "Yes, I am," Russell said and smiled. While we're happy for Russell that he's getting over Katy, it must be hard for her. It's all so fast! (people)
- We spotted actress Halle Berry zipping around Disneyland on a mobility scooter with daughter Nahla Aubrey and a family friend on her lap with partner Olivier Martinez walking by her side. Looks fun with som family time!
- Fearne Cotton has a cool and quirky fashion style that has given her fashionista-status in the fashion world. Fearne is a essentially British style identity but also a true fashionista worldwide, and we just love her style! It's so unique and intresting and we adore that she dare to stand out! Click on the pictures to check out some of her cool outfits!
اهلا بكم من جديد يا أصدقائي
اليكم اليوم فستانا جميلا لصديقتنا
crazytifaجميعكم ستحتارون هذا فستان مختلف عن اي فستان حقا
هل عرفتم يا اصدقائي مما هذا الفستان ؟
- صباح الخير دوليز ...
لدي خبر رائع اليوم ... سيتم طرح مجموعة جديدة في ستاربلازا لهذا اليوم و لكن هل تعرفون ماأسم هذه المجموعة !!!
تتألف كلمة هذه العلامة التجارية من الأحرف التالية
رتبي الأحرف بالشكل الصحيح و ارسلي الكلمة في المكان المخصص للتعليقات في ستاربلوغ
سيتم اختيار أول 5 فائزات و ستحصلن على 10 ستاردولارز
- Brangelina are ready for Golden Globes! Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie will be presenting an award together at the 69th annual Golden Globes, and we are so excited!The couple is not only added to the list of the presenters. They are also up for some own rewards: Best Actor and Best Mo-Pic nods for Brad and Best Foreign Lang Film for Angelina.There are also a huge list of other celebrities who will be presenting awards, like Reese Witherspoon, George Clooney, Natalie Portman and Nicole Kidman for example. We're really looking forward to the award tonight! (perezhilton)
- مرحبا يا صديقاتي الرائعات ... في الاونة الاخيرة طرحت علينا ستاردول مسابقة وهي ان نختار نجمنا المفضلة او نجومنا المفضلين واليوم انا سوف اريكم نجمة من نجومي المفضلين وهي الممثلة منى زكي
تعرفي على جميع الستار بلوغ الموجوة لدينا
أهم المشاركات المر…: "ملك الألوان"Sadaro7o
أهم المشاركات المر…: "عيد الاضحى المبارك "Arificent27
أهم المشاركات المر…: "التسوق"stararig
أهم المشاركات المر…: "الربيع"Salma!
أهم المشاركات المر…: "زيت جوز الهند"